The Koran
"YUSUFALI: Say: "If any men go astray, (Allah) Most Gracious extends (the rope) to them, until, when they see the warning of Allah (being fulfilled) - either in punishment or in (the approach of) the Hour,- they will at length realise who is worst in position, and (who) weakest in forces!"
-Taken from the Koran, the depiction of Maryam.
I know a thing or two about politics in Middle Eastern countries, you know, things like economy and leadership and what not. That being said, I knew absolutely nothing about Islam or the Koran prior today's reading.
I was a taken a bit off-guard.
All of the names that I grew up with, Adam, Noah, Moses, Father Abraham, Mary, Jesus, they were all there. Of course, there was different interpretation as to how their significance (especially the importance and value of Christ). I had no idea they were a part of the Islamic religion, not even a little bit.
I used the quote above because it's a good analogy for things that we as Christians and anyone who believes in a higher power will tend to agree with. The rope is always there, there's always a way out through faith as long as you truly believe and can repent for your sins. Of course, there's a matter of what you believe, who you're praying too, and all that Jazz, but the theme of forgiveness through devotion seems to exist in both Christianity and in Islam.
I'm truly excited for the opportunity to visit a Mosque and learn a little bit more about this. Regardless of belief or idealogue, there is something to be learned from most every religion, this of course being no exception. Hopefully everyone comes with an open mind today.
See you all very soon!
I think that is one of the more surprising things for most Christians -- the overlap with Islam.
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